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Meyers & Flowers: Advocates for Construction Accident Victims in Chicago

As a well-regarded law firm in Chicago, Meyers & Flowers is known for its expertise in handling construction accident cases. We understand the complexities of construction site injuries and are dedicated to providing personalized and caring legal representation, ensuring clients receive the help and compensation they deserve. Our history of successful cases and commitment to justice for our community have established us as a trusted firm for clients in need of a construction accident attorney in Chicago. 

Most Common Causes of Construction Accidents in Chicago

Insufficient training, equipment failure, safety regulation violations, and structural collapses are all common significant causes of construction accidents in Chicago. For example:

  • Without proper training, workers may overlook safety rules, misuse equipment, and be unprepared for emergencies, leading to more accidents and injuries
  • Equipment malfunctions due to lack of maintenance, faulty parts, or improper use can result in serious accidents such as falls, crush injuries, and electrocutions
  • Failure to comply with safety regulations increases the risk of accidents and can lead to severe consequences
  • Structural collapses due to design flaws, poor construction practices, and failure to follow engineering specifications can result in catastrophic injuries and fatalities for workers and bystanders
Injured construction worker laying on the ground

Impact of Construction Accidents

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) collects valuable data on workplace injuries, providing insights into the safety landscape of various industries, including construction.

In Chicago, the BLS's data for the year 2023 revealed the following:

  • Total number of reported injuries: 1,200
  • Injuries per 100 full-time workers: 4.0
  • Fatalities in the construction sector: 15

The high number of injuries and fatalities highlights the need for increased vigilance, comprehensive safety protocols, and continuously improving safety measures in the construction industry in Chicago.

Construction site accidents harm workers' well-being and have significant financial consequences. These effects go beyond medical costs and affect many parts of the construction industry's activities:

  • Lost Productivity: When skilled and experienced workers are injured and unable to work, construction projects can be delayed. These delays can lead to higher costs, missed deadlines, and interruptions to project schedules, impacting productivity and profitability.
  • Compensation Costs: Workplace injuries come with various direct and indirect costs. Direct costs cover medical bills, rehabilitation, and therapy for injured workers. Indirect costs include training new workers, investigating accidents, improving safety measures, and handling legal and insurance issues.

Economic Impact

Medical Expenses
Project Delays
Legal Costs
Equipment Repairs 

Est. Cost


What Type of Law Covers Construction Accidents in Chicago?

In Chicago, construction accidents are covered by personal injury law, especially in construction accident law. This legal area aims to safeguard the rights of injured construction workers and ensure they are fairly compensated for their injuries and losses.

Workers' Compensation Claims

Chicago Worker's Compensation laws play a crucial role in providing financial and medical benefits to workers injured in construction accidents, including:

Coverage for Injuries

Worker's Compensation in Chicago covers a wide range of injuries that occur on construction sites, including falls, equipment-related accidents, electrocutions, and repetitive stress injuries. It also covers occupational diseases or conditions that develop due to workplace exposure.

Medical Benefits

Injured workers are entitled to receive necessary medical treatment for their injuries, including hospitalization, surgery, medications, rehabilitation, and therapy. Worker's Compensation pays for these medical expenses directly, relieving workers from the financial burden of their healthcare needs.

Temporary Disability Benefits

If an injury temporarily prevents a worker from returning to work, Worker's Compensation provides temporary disability benefits. These benefits typically amount to a percentage of the worker's average weekly wage, helping them cover living expenses while they recover.

Permanent Disability Benefits

Worker's compensation provides permanent disability benefits in cases where injuries result in permanent impairments or disabilities that affect the worker's ability to earn a living. The amount of these benefits depends on the severity of the disability and its impact on the worker's earning capacity.

Vocational Rehabilitation

In some cases, injured workers may require vocational rehabilitation services to help them transition into alternative employment if they can no longer perform their previous job duties due to their injuries. Worker's Compensation may cover the costs of vocational training and job placement assistance.

Personal Injury Lawsuits

In situations where negligence is a factor, you may have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit while pursuing Worker's Compensation benefits.

Unlike Worker's Compensation, which provides specific benefits regardless of fault, a personal injury lawsuit allows injured parties to seek damages for pain and suffering and other losses not covered by Worker's Compensation.

To successfully pursue a personal injury claim for a construction accident, several key elements must be established:

  • Proof of Negligence: The injured party (plaintiff) must demonstrate that another party's negligence, such as a contractor, subcontractor, property owner, or equipment manufacturer, directly contributed to the accident and resulting injuries. This may involve proving violations of safety regulations, failure to maintain a safe work environment, or inadequate training or supervision.
  • Causation: It must be shown that the negligence directly caused or significantly contributed to the injuries suffered by the plaintiff. This requires a clear link between the negligent actions or omissions and the harm experienced by the injured worker.
  • Damages: In a personal injury lawsuit, damages go beyond medical expenses and lost wages covered by Worker's Compensation. Damages may include compensation for pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, permanent disabilities, and future medical needs related to the injuries.

Regulatory Compliance

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets stringent guidelines and standards to ensure the safety and well-being of workers on construction sites. Failure to comply with these regulations exposes workers to unnecessary risks and has significant legal and financial implications for construction companies.

Here’s what you need to know about safety regulations in Chicago's construction industry:

  • OSHA Compliance: OSHA regulations cover various aspects of construction safety, including fall protection, hazard communication, scaffolding, electrical safety, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Construction companies must implement safety programs, provide workers with training, conduct regular inspections, and maintain records to demonstrate compliance with OSHA standards.
  • Legal Consequences: In the event of a construction accident where OSHA violations are identified, the company may face penalties, fines, and citations from OSHA. These fines can be substantial, depending on the severity of the violations and the company's compliance history.
  • Legal Actions: If an accident occurs due to safety violations or negligence on the part of the construction company, OSHA records, inspection reports, and violation history can serve as crucial evidence in legal proceedings. Plaintiffs in personal injury lawsuits may use OSHA violations to prove the company's failure to maintain a safe work environment and protect workers from foreseeable hazards.
  • Risk Management: Construction companies must prioritize risk management and safety practices to avoid OSHA violations and mitigate the risk of accidents. This includes regular safety training, proper equipment maintenance, hazard identification and mitigation, emergency response planning, and ongoing monitoring of compliance with OSHA standards.

Who Can I Hold Legally Liable for a Construction Accident in Chicago?

Remember, the statute of limitations for filing injury claims in Illinois is generally two years from the date of the accident, but it can vary. In those two years, you may be able to hold the following legally liable for your construction accident:

  • The owners of the construction site may be liable, especially if the accident resulted from a condition they were or should have been aware of
  • Contractors and subcontractors have a duty to ensure the safety of the construction site and must warn of potential hazards and ensure that safety regulations are followed
  • Architects and engineers may be held responsible if their negligence in the design or observation phase leads to a hazardous environment
  • If a defective piece of equipment caused your injury, you may be able to hold the manufacturer accountable
there is a lobby with a reception desk and chairs

Choose Meyers & Flowers as Your Chicago Construction Accident Attorney

Finding the right legal help is essential after a construction accident in Chicago. At Meyers & Flowers, we're well-known for our expert and caring legal support. Each experienced construction accident lawyer in Chicago has a strong track record with complex construction accident claims, ensuring your case gets the attention it needs.

We deeply understand Illinois construction laws and OSHA regulations, which are crucial for successfully handling your claim. Your rights as an injured worker are our top priority, and we're dedicated to fighting for fair compensation for you. We carefully examine every detail of your case to build a strong argument on your behalf, identifying who can be held liable and maximizing your damages award whenever possible.

If you're ready to protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve, reach out to Meyers & Flowers to schedule a consultation. Our team is here to offer the support and legal guidance you need during this challenging time.

Construction Accident FAQ 

What counts as a construction site accident?

A construction site accident occurs when something goes wrong during building work and causes injury or damage. This can include falls or problems with machinery.

What are the most frequent types of injuries sustained on building sites?

Injuries on building sites often include broken bones, head injuries, lacerations, and back injuries. Workers may also suffer from repetitive strain injuries and heat-related illnesses.

How should a construction worker report an injury sustained on the job?

If you sustain an injury on the job, you should report it immediately to your supervisor and seek medical attention. Documenting the injury and its circumstances is essential for workers' compensation claims.

What legal steps should be taken after a construction accident occurs?

After a construction accident, you should notify your employer, document the incident and your injuries, and file for workers' compensation. You may also want to consult a legal professional to discuss potential personal injury claims.

Do I need a construction accident attorney in Chicago for my case?

A construction accident attorney in Chicago can help you understand your legal rights, guide you through the claims process, and represent you in negotiations or court proceedings if necessary. They aim to secure the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.

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